Is God Evil?

“Killing must feel good to God, too. He does it all the time, and are we not created in his image?” -Hannibal Lecter from Hannibal

The above quote is from the short-lived show Hannibal, but it is very similar to quote from Lecter in the book Red Dragon by Thomas Harris.

Anyways, I’ve been reading the Hannibal Lecter series, and I’m well aware, as far as books go, the Lecter series is mostly just “junk” entertainment. Still, Hannibal’s view on God did make think. The God I usually consider is the western monotheistic concept of God. That is to say, he is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent. He’s also self existing and eternal. So, most of my arguments of God do not consider that western philosophy of religion and theology are patently wrong about the properties of the deity, but what if a deity that is evil or just simply not omnibenevolent existed?

Well, there would still be the problem of omniscience paired with omnipotence. However, the problem of evil would completely dissipate. I find this interesting.

Now, I know the Hindu deity Shiva is said to be both a destroyer and benevolent entity. It would be interesting to debunk Shiva or Shiva like conceptions of deities, but of course, I’m from the west. So, I haven’t had much need to do this.

I’m NOT saying I just converted to Hinduism. I still doubt there is a deity. What I am saying is that it is interesting, and it leads me to think that I haven’t paid enough attention to Hinduism as far their argument for a deity.

I think at base. We could manipulate any characteristics of God into anything we want, and we could call this entity a deity.Still, it would be a created entity and not a God.

I guess I’m rambling now, but I thought it was interesting. And, I thought I would share my thoughts with my readers. Please feel free to comment!

“War on Christmas:” It’s that Time of the Year

It’s that time of year again, and us atheists really need to decide on how we plan to ruin Christmas this year. (Obvious sarcasm.) Truthfully, I usually go on media blackout around December. I’m incredibly tired of hearing about the “War on Christmas,” “Keep  the Christ in Christmas,” ” It’s merry Christmas not happy holidays, “and more to ad nauseam.

1.) As far as the so-called war on Christmas is concerned, some of the things certain atheists have done certainly have been a little petty. Some of it has been completely justified, but I really think, most of the time, Christians really just need to get over it. I, for one, don’t like a lot of the religious billboards posted during Christmas, but you don’t hear complaining about a war on atheists. The US is not a theocracy, and people have free speech, sorry. People disagreeing isn’t war. I didn’t bomb your nativity scene.

2.) As far the angst felt by people being wished a happy holiday is concerned, do you even know what the word “holiday” means? It means holy day; although, admittedly, it has come to mean  any federal day off. Still, this not worth getting upset about. Personally, I don’t have a problem being wished a merry Christmas. Christmas is probably the most observed holiday, so it seems reasonable to fall back on that greeting. However, what’s wrong with people wanting more inclusive towards other people? At least, Christians get their major holidays off, as they are federal holidays. Other religions don’t receive that benefit, so using the greeting”happy holidays” is a small concession to make.

3.) It’s Christians who are ruining Christmas. Why do Christian radio stations have to play pop and rap versions of Christmas classics? It sounds terrible! The classics were classics for reason. (Yes, I’ve been known to enjoy “O come, O come, Emmanuel.”)  Plus, getting upset at every little Christmas inconvenience or annoyance ruins the so-called Christmas spirit.

Am I an Ebeneezer Scrooge? That’s quite possible. Have a happy holiday! (I was referring to Thanksgiving by the way.)